Demo hry The Sims 3

The Sims 3 - Demo / Trial verziaSére hier The Sims vo svojej histórií doteraz nikdy nemali svoju demo verziu. Demá sú vo svete pri iných hrách veľmi zaužívané a umožňujú hráčom si hru ešte pred kúpou zadarmo odskúšať, no trochu v osekanej verzii. Tie buď hráčov ešte viac nadchnú alebo odradia.  Pri hre The Sims 3 však nastal zlom, ponúka vôbec po prvýkrát v obdobe Simov vlastné 60-minútové demo! To si môžete zahrať v anglickom jazyku prekvapujúcu virtuálne na internetových stránkach kliknutím na ikonu „PLAY NOW“ (zatiaľ ide o skúšobnú beta verziu).

The Sims 3 - Demo / Trial verziaThe Sims 3 - Demo / Trial verziaThe Sims 3 - Demo / Trial verzia

Načítavanie hry môže trvať individuálne aj niekoľko minút v závislosti od vášho internetového pripojenia a hardvérového vybavenia používaného počítača. Samotná trialová verzia hry po načítaní vyzerá  od tej plnej počítačovej na nerozoznanie a dokonca v nej funguje aj väčšina vlastností. Začínate miestnosťou na tvorbu Simov (CAS) a následne si vyberiete spôsob hry (iba v demo verzii!) na základe toho, aké skúseností s hrami The Sims máte. Ak sa neviete rozhodnúť a s hrami The Sims už nejaké skúseností máte, odporúčam vybrať poslednú možnosť Experimenter, ktorá zhlukuje všetky možností do jednej (navyše stále každá začína pomocným tutoriálom, ktorý môžete aj ihneď vypnúť)… Ďalej je už len na vás, ako hru za 60 minút posuniete, princíp hry je práve v tejto úžasnej neobmedzenosti. Môžete si za ten čas postaviť nový dom, zariadiť ho, alebo sa venovať živému otvorenému susedstvu a rozvíjať vzťahy so susedmi. Demo vám to všetko ponúka.

The Sims 3 - Demo / Trial verziaThe Sims 3 - Demo / Trial verziaThe Sims 3 - Demo / Trial verzia

Predpokladám, že väčšina návštevníkov tejto stránky už hru The Sims 3 poriadne pozná, ale ak nebodaj nie, alebo ste len zvedavý na on-linové poňatie tohto dema, či chcete na hru nalákať aj svojich kamarátov, verím, že vám táto novinka bude užitočná.

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6 komentárov pre “Demo hry The Sims 3”

  1. brano píše:

    Let’s Get Started!The Sims 3 Powered by Gaikai is currently in beta, so we’re restricting game demos to a subset of users with the very best network connections. Please stand by while we test your connection. Tests Complete100%.
    We’re Sorry!We’re SorryBased on our analysis, you must complete the following step(s) before you can participate in the Sims3 beta test. Click the „show me how“ links for more info on how to address each issue. When you are done, click the Test Again button below. CongratulationsPlease accept the Beta Testing Agreement and verify your age. I have read and accept the terms and conditions of the Beta Testing Agreement
    I am at least 18 years old Done .You’re In!If the demo doesn’t launch within a few seconds click here.We’ll Be BackThe beta is currently unavailable. We’re working quickly to get it back up and running, so check back soon. If you’d like more info, please don’t hesitate to send us a message. An error occurred!It looks like your token isn’t valid. Please try the link you received again. How did it go?Thanks for participating in the Gaikai beta test! Please take a moment to answer the questions below, so we can continue to improve our service. Select Category…GamerPublisherDeveloperPress/MediaService ProviderHosting/ISPTech. ExpertOther . Action Items1Increase your bandwidth
    Show me how »
    .Close.How do I increase my bandwidth?.1Close all bandwidth-intensive games, websites, and software applications
    If you have other media programs or software applications running at the same time you are trying to access Gaikai, they may be consuming a portion of your bandwidth. Examples include:

    •Watching online videos, especially HD video like on YouTube, Hulu, or Vimeo.
    •Downloading software, music, or movies via BitTorrent or other file-sharing applications.
    •Playing MMORPG games, or other games with an online component.
    •Running online backup software like Mozy, Dropbox, or Syncplicity.
    .2Make sure nobody else is sharing your network
    When you are on a shared network, your bandwidth can be limited by the actions of other users on the network. For example, if you have multiple computers in your household, someone else may be watching HD video or downloading something, and that would constrain your bandwidth. Same goes for accessing Gaikai via a dorm, office, library, internet cafe, or other shared connection.

    If you are on a home network, ensure that none of the activities listed in Step 1 are taking place on any of the other computers in the house. If you’re on a shared network, it’s a little more difficult. Your best bet is to try accessing Gaikai during off-hours (late at night or early in the morning), when there are fewer people using the network.
    .3Upgrade your Internet connection
    Games streamed through Gaikai require a reasonably good Internet connection. If you are on dialup or a low-bandwidth DSL or cable internet plan, it’s possible your subscription simply doesn’t offer enough bandwidth.

    In general, if your plan offers download speeds of 10 mbps, you should have more than enough bandwidth to play games on Gaikai. However, if you read the fine print of your plan, you’ll see that it probably offers speeds up to 10 mpbs … which means you’ll usually get less. Sometimes way less. For that reason, your safest bet is to sign up for the highest bandwidth plan available.

    Internet service providers (ISPs) differ depending on your location. Each ISP has its own plans and bundles, so we can’t really say for sure which plan you should choose. Call your local cable or DSL provider for more information about which plans are available in your area.
    ..Test Again Frequently Asked QuestionsI have an awesome Internet connection. Shouldn’t I be able to play? Your bandwidth is not the only thing that determines whether you can play. Your proximity to one of our data centers is also crucial for ensuring a great, low-latency gaming experience. If you have a good connection, but you’re too far from our servers, then you may not be able to play right now.
    If I’m too far from Gaikai’s servers, will I ever be able to play? Quite possibly, yes. Gaikai’s network is rapidly expanding to new locations, both in the United States and abroad. As more data centers come online, more users will be able to play. In fact, you not being able to play now tells us that we need to consider adding servers in your area. If you really want to be able to play, tell your friends to sign up for Gaikai’s beta. The more people from your area who are unable to connect, the more likely we are to add servers near you!
    When will Gaikai be able to offer games to everyone, everywhere? Gaikai’s business model may be different than what you’d expect. We’re not trying to offer a subscription-based service, so there’s no expectation that everyone will be able to play from day one. Instead, we’re powering demos of games on publisher, retailer, and associate sites. These demos will only be offered to users who meet the standards required for an awesome gaming experience. Users who don’t meet these standards will never know they missed anything … but they will help us understand where we need to add servers next. Over time, we’ll be able to serve more and more demos to more and more users, across the world.
    I was able to play earlier, and now I can’t. What happened? Gaikai tests a complicated mix of criteria when determining whether a user can play a game. Some of these criteria are fixed, but others fluctuate depending on the state of the Internet, our server capacity, and what’s happening on your computer and Internet connection. For example, if you’re running other applications such as BitTorrent, Hulu, or Netflix, then you may be falling below our bandwidth threshold due to the other apps‘ heavy bandwidth consumption.
    .*Acceptance of Free Trial Agreement required.

    toto mi pise ja mam setky vide a take blbosti vypnute mam javu noy upgrade na net taj ja nwm preco mi to nechce ist :(((

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Hodnotenie: 0 (z 0 hlasov)
  2. Emerald píše:

    – pomalé pripojenie na internet
    – zdielaná sieť (hlavne ak niekto na inom PC napríklad sťahuje alebo pozerá videá)
    – slabší PC
    – v prehliadači nie sú nainštalované všetky potrebné rozšírenia
    – malá RAM

    Tam čo ti píše, že máš kliknúť na „show me how“ link tak aj z toho si skopíroval text?

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Hodnotenie: 0 (z 0 hlasov)
  3. brano píše:

    Velmi pekne dakujem za odpoved 🙂

    áno ale ono to skopirovalo aj stou reklamou

    Mam novy OS windows 7 a ked som ho prvy krat spustal tak som zaskrtol zdielanie dokumentov :/ tak to je asi ono

    este raz Velmi pekne dakujem 🙂

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Hodnotenie: 0 (z 0 hlasov)
  4. brano píše:

    A inac neviete ake by mali byt tie rozsirenia? LEbo ja mam javu a ked zapnem to testovanie tak sa ma pyta ci to mozem povolit z tej stranky..

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Hodnotenie: 0 (z 0 hlasov)
  5. brano píše:

    Tu mam este obrazok tej chyby:

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Hodnotenie: 0 (z 0 hlasov)
  6. Emerald píše:

    Ale zdieľanie dokumentov nie je zdieľanie internetového pripojenia. To zdielanie pripojenia znamená, že máte napríklad doma router a sú k nemu pripojené dva počítače, alebo wifi a taktiež je využíva viac počítačov naraz.
    No musíš mať nainštalovanú Javu a keď to náhodou vyžaduje tak aj nejaké iný modul napríklad niečo na videá.
    Veď ak ťa to požiada o potvrdenie, že či sa to môže spustiť na tvojom počítači tak daj áno/ok alebo čo tam už je napísané.
    Podľa tej chyby to jednoducho vyzerá, že máš buď veľmi pomalé pripojenie alebo tvoj PC nestačí na spustenie tej aplikácie.

    VA:F [1.9.22_1171]
    Hodnotenie: 0 (z 0 hlasov)

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